<<... The exhibition 'Südliche Friedrichstadt entdecken' looked at the quarter from three perspectives. Under the headings of 'Worth seeing' and 'Personal', various locations and local trades were introduced using photographs and descriptions.

In the category 'Novelties', the results of the 'Kreuzberg hockt' project were shown: many-coloured, fanciful stools and chairs, designed and built by the 10- to 12-year-old girls and boys of Kurt-Schumacher elementary school.
'Kreuzberg hockt', a 'METROPOLENHAUS_Intercultural Mosaic' project, was realised in cooperation with Kurt-Schumacher elementary school, under the expert guidance of the Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus (PFH) crafts education programme.

The exhibition and private view of 'Südliche Friedrichstadt entdecken' were conceived, designed and executed by the 'Kooperative Südliche Friedrichstadt'. Presentation 'Kreuzberg hockt': Chemaitis Donndorf Design